Key Phrase:

You may have to do some research to reveal what your main Key Phrases are. Most likely you will already know what they are. They will be what you are selling or what you want people to find you with when they type these Key Phrases into the search engines.

The Key Phrase is what your web page is all about. You should focus on one main Key Phrase for each web page you produce. You can have a couple miner Key Phrases but concentrate on one main Key Phrase per page.

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A Key Phrase generally will be from one to three words in length. I would recommend using two or three word phrase when possible. Longer Key Phrases are easier to rank well for then a single word.

You should know what your main key phrase is. If not then do some research. If you need help then you can find some tools on Google that will be of use.


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You want to include your Key Phrase in your Title Tag, H1 Header and the body of your content preferably toward the beginning.

You also will add these to your description and keyword Meta tags. Be sure not to spam by adding too many keywords. You will learn more about this later.

So remember to:

o Research your keywords carefully.

o Pick the most important Key Phrase for the page in question.

o Use this Key Phrase in the Title, H1, Description and Keyword tags.

Each page should just have one topic. The topic is your Key Phrase. The home page could be an exception to this in some cases. If you desire great SEO results then keep to one topic per page. This basically means you may have to split some pages into more than one. Consider this a blessing as the search engines love more pages, plus they will be more targeted to a specific Key Phrase.

The saying "Content is king" rings true when it's great content.

Title Tag

The Title of your page is one of the most important elements of your web page to get right. You certainly want to know precisely what Key Phrase you are targeting and be sure to include your Key Phrase in the title.

The title is one of the Meta tags. There are other Meta tags such as keywords and description which we will get into later.

In this example the Key Phrase for this page is "Proxacine". Here is what your title looks like in your html code:

The article directories won't allow me to show you these examples.

Of course yours will be different with your Key Phrase inserted into the title.

Notice how the Key Phrase is toward the beginning of the title. It's better to start with your Key Phrase first in the title, and not make the title too long.

Remember that your Key Phrase is the subject of the web page and you want to place the Key Phrase into the Meta title tag.

Each web page should have a different title for best SEO results.

Note: Ever see page titles in the search engines like this$%: Untitled That's not a very good title for a page is it. That's what happens if you fail to include a title on your page. Who's going to search for "Untitled"$%: Remember your web page title is one of the most important elements. Make sure to work on it and make the title informative and catchy if possible. Think of the title as your main headline.

Be sure to include your main Key Phrase in the title. The closer to the beginning the Key Phrase is position the better.

We will look at the actual Key Phrase in the next section. The Key Phrase may be a single word but most likely will be two to three words. It is easier to get rank for longer phrases.

Tip: Use a 2-3 words Key Phrase for easier ranking.

Usually your title will be longer than one word. Here's an example of a title for a Key Phrase "Cherry Wine":

Cherry Wine at low prices

This would mean your Key Phrase is 40% of the title. Also it is at the start which is good.

Most wysiswg Html Editors will let you input these titles without going into the code itself. Examples are Dreamweaver, Frontpage and XsitePro.

Page Title Key Points:

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o Should contain your key phrase

o No longer than 60 characters

o Should be unique on each page

o The Title Tag should include the Key Phrase located toward the beginning

o Make the title informative or compelling like a great headline

The above are the two main points to consider for better search engine rankings. This will get you started. There are still quite a few things you can do to improve your rankings.

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